Thursday, May 17, 2012

Working Full Time and Studying at the Same Time

Working full time and studying isn't as easy as it sounds. Yet doing these two things at the same time, is very rewarding.

The thing with doing this is that it can be very difficult, so here are a few of my key points which I utilise  to make things easier for myself.

1. Make room for play! See you friends, take short adventures, go snowboarding etc. Its vital that you make room to have fun between work and study because it revitalises you in order to keep focused. If you feel rejuvenated you're more likely to have a better attitude towards work and study.

2. Back up all of your assignments everywhere! I'm talking on a USB, on your computer on a second USB and in your email account. The worst thing is losing all the work you put in, especially when your are also working full time.

3. Set goals, and reward yourself once you reach them - this works well as it becomes a self motivating habit. An example would be after the Semester take a weeks vacation to somewhere you've always wanted to go in order to reward yourself for working so hard during the Semester.

4. Keep in touch with your uni friends, networking is great especially once you graduate, also its helpful when you can discuss the topics in the unit, or ideas for assessment etc. It also makes you less likely to skip classes if you are meeting up with friends on campus and makes for great study sessions.

5. The most key aspect is to have REALLY GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT. This is so important. Time does equal money, except we are all guilty of wasting time. I try to schedule everything important I have to do in advance in a small planner, such as appointments, work, important dates, catching up with friends and family, basically when it comes to anything - the key thing is don't waste too much time planning it. Just do it! No thinking about it, if you need to get something done just think less about planning to do it and just get out there and get it finished. I always keep a to do list, and i get those crossed off ASAP, once that list is done I add on or write up a new list. It's pretty much never ending, but it keeps you busy.

I keep a bunch of separate lists, in a 4 section notepad, I allocate a section to things I need to get done. The sections include:

1. To Do List - ASAP, things that are TOP PRIORITY: these need to be urgently completed at the earliest convenience.

2. Work: things I need to study for work (which is separate for uni) this includes seminars, reading, career orientated stuff, my modelling stuff, I also put fitness in here as well as I work for an agency keeping fit is part of the job too.

3. University and Study: This is where I keep a bunch of my notes on completion of study and my degree, units I have completed and units i need to complete and where this study can take me.

4. Adventures: This is the fun one! Its all the places I want to travel, short trips I want to take and just whatever pops into my mind that I think hey, that would be amazing!

In conclusion try to make a BALANCE - its important, don't just work and study remember to have adventures! Don't burry yourself in work and forget to have fun with the people that are important to you.


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