- Paint a new painting
- Visit Art Galleries
- Bondi to Coogee Walk
- Study my butt off
- Party
- Sleep more
- Gym and healthy food
- New sketches
- Book snowboarding trip
- Watch old school hollywood movies I have never seen
- Bake and try some new recipes from the book I got from Christmas
- Try the new Anzac biscuit recipe my friend gave me
- Print some photo collages for my room from memories of the last 4 years
- Buy new clothes and shoes
- Set a date for horseriding in the valley
- Dye my hair and get a haircut
- Skype M because its been way too long since we've caught up
- New music, buy some old movies and tv shows.
- Go to a heated pool, with a sauna, steam room and a spa
- Get a massage
- Get my nails done.
So, the next year is going to be full on. I have full time work at the firm, I am a tutor after work on Wednesday nights after the office and I occasionally do the random modelling job every now and then. On top of all that I'm doing my degree - the last 5 units. To keep on top of this I need a plan: That plan being, exercise, eat healthy, budget, and sleep more and occasionally let loose and party.
I seriously need to sleep more, I know it sounds ridiculous but I am going to have to make a bedtime and sleep at that time.
Gym and my diet have been going really well, I go to the gym everyday and do a series of cardio on the cross training and on the rowing machine, with yoga classes and core fitness classes, I feel stronger healthier and that I have more energy. I will book a snowboarding trip before the end of the season.
I've started to watch old hollywood movies, and I think I might educate myself in watching a whole bunch of them they are great. I just saw Breakfast at Tiffany's. There's something about these movies that make them so magical, and the dialogue is so clever.
For the next year, till next June its all going to be about fitness, work and study I mean Id love to go for a trip overseas but I am going to put that off till next year, I really want to get on top of these things and buy a car and get a new apartment and figure out where I want to live in Sydney. Graduating is a top priority and I am going to have to try to stay as focussed as I can and it won't be easy. Though I am going to wear that grad robe soon I hope!